Climate goes virtual

Climate change will alter our way of life forever.

Or will it?

The Freetech journalism team spoke with a scientist and two activists related to the issue. This is what they had to say.

Explore the experts

Climate expert

Wilfried Endlicher

Geograph and Professor

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Climate expert

Jakob Beyer


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Under current emissions commitments, the planet is on to warming of
Celcius above preindustrial levels within the next century.
Castrophic climate conditions  can only be avoided at 1.5°

How bad could it get?

Wilfried Endlicher

See what Wilfried thinks about the Future of Climate.

"The problem is that we are all contributors to climate change. After all, it is human-induced climate change, but at the same time, we are all affected by it."

About Wilfried

Wilfried Endlicher is a German geographer and professor at the Geographical Institute of the Humboldt University. His research focuses on climatology, climate change, urban ecology, and air quality. He is an expert on the consequences of climate change on cities and human health. Endlicher has studied urban heat stress and fine particle pollution in Berlin and their impacts on human health. He has published numerous research articles and books on these topics. In addition to his academic work, he is also involved in consulting activities related to climate change and environmental issues.

Jakob Beyer

See what Jakob thinks about the Future of Climate.

"When I look at how drastic the situation is, how drastic the change we need is, and how even the simplest steps are not being taken, I feel  pretty desperate. But I always try to listen to the science, which tells us that yes, it's super tight, but we still have this small window of time."

About Jakob

Jakob Beyer is a 29-year-old activist of the climate group "Last Generation" and was taken into custody due to his commitment to the climate movement. He has chosen a path that poses a risk not only to himself but also to the movement he supports. Beyer's actions included food donations and participating in demonstrations, but after the climate protection law was overturned by the Constitutional Court, the movement sought new forms of protest. Beyer believes that technological progress alone is not enough to stop climate change. He is determined to speak out and actively fight to secure a better future for the next generation.

Try our snapchat lens

The future of the climate could take various forms. With the climate lens of the Berlin 2033 project, you can immerse yourself in the future of the German capital. And what better place than the Brandenburg Gate?
The Tech and Journalism Team 33 of the FreeTech Academy created a lens that provides information about the climate crisis exclusively on Snapchat. Using a fictional projection directly on the German landmark, you will experience the impact of climate change firsthand in ten years.

Berlin 2033 snapchat qr code